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Modify kelimesinin kullanıldığı toplam 9 adet cümle bulundu. Modify ile ilgili cümleleri ve bu örnek cümlelerin türkçe anlamlarını altında bulabilirsiniz.

Modify kelimesiyle ilgili örnek Cümleler

Based on my observation of the movement of particle D, I modify the system so that three possible exits exist.

I beg to modify your proposal.

Terraformers wanted to modify the Venusian atmosphere, so that some day it may support life.

Things that modify nouns (adjective, or adjectival equivalent).

We usually modify our views in college.

We want to modify the regulations of our school.

What do adjectives modify?

What do adverbs modify?

You'll have to modify the height of the table to make it fit.