Aranacak Kelime ›

Türkçe kelime anlamı Kilitlemek olan Lock kelimesinin kullanıldığı toplam 80 adet cümle bulundu. Lock ile ilgili cümleleri ve bu örnek cümlelerin türkçe anlamlarını altında bulabilirsiniz.

Lock kelimesiyle ilgili örnek Cümleler

"The key is in the lock," the man added.
"Anahtar kilitin içinde", adam ekledi.

Get inside and lock your doors! Close your windows! There is something in the fog!
İçeri gir ve kapılarını kilitle! Pencerelerini kapat! Sisin içinde bir şey var!

I forgot to lock the drawer.
Çekmeceyi kilitlemeyi unuttum.

The lock doesn't catch.
Anahtar yakalamıyor.

If I lost my key, I wouldn't be able to lock the door.
Anahtarımı kaybedersem kapıyı kilitliyemem.

Didn't you lock up your car?
Arabanı kilitlemedin mi?

We lock our doors at night.
Biz gece kapılarımızı kilitleriz.

This key won't go in the lock.
Bu anahtar kilide girmez.

This door won't lock.
Bu kapı kilitlenmez.

Do you have a key to fit this lock?
Bu kilide uyacak bir anahtarın var mı?

Who was it that forgot to lock the door of the warehouse?
Deponun kapısını kilitlemeyi unutan kimdi?

I forgot to lock the storeroom.
Depoyu kilitlemeyi unuttum.

I'll lock up.

Jim turned the key in the lock.
Jim kilitin içinde anahtarı çevirdi.

It is an act of cruelty to lock a small child in his room.
Küçük bir çocuğu odasına kilitlemek bir zulüm hareketidir.

Lock the doors.
Kapıları kilitle.

We don't lock our doors.
Kapılarımızı kilitlemeyiz.

Lock your doors.
Kapılarını kilitle.

Lock your door.
Kapını kilitle.

You should lock your door.
Kapını kilitlemelisin.

Lock the door!
Kapıyı kilitle!

Lock the door.
Kapıyı kilitle.

Lock the gate.
Kapıyı kilitle.

Did I lock the door?
Kapıyı kilitledim mi?

Did you lock the door?
Kapıyı kilitledin mi?

I told you to lock the door.
Kapıyı kilitlemeni söyledim.

Don't fail to lock the door.
Kapıyı kilitlemeyi ihmal etmeyin.

I forgot to lock the door.
Kapıyı kilitlemeyi unuttum.

Lock the safe.
Kasayı kilitle.

I had no difficulty breaking the lock.
Kilidi kırmakta zorlanmadım.

The lock is beautiful.
Kilit güzel.

The lock is broken.
Kilit kırık.

The royal jewels are kept under lock and key.
Kraliyet mücevherleri kilit ve anahtara bağlı tutulur.

Please be careful not to forget to lock the door when you go out.
Lütfen dışarı çıkarsan, kapıyı kilitlemeyi unutmamak için dikkatli ol.

Please lock the door before you go out.
Lütfen dışarı çıkmadan önce kapıyı kilitle.

Please lock the door when you leave.
Lütfen giderken kapıyı kilitle.

Would you please lock the door?
Lütfen kapıyı kilitler misin?

Please lock the door.
Lütfen kapıyı kilitleyin.

Please lock the safe.
Lütfen kasayı kilitle.

He put the key in the lock.
O, anahtarı kilide soktu.

He forgot to lock the door.
O, kapıyı kilitlemeyi unuttu.

He jimmied the lock.
O, kilidi zorladı.

I want you to go to your rooms and lock the doors.
Odalarınıza gidip kapıları kilitlemenizi istiyorum.

I want you to go to your room and lock the door.
Odana gitmeni ve kapıyı kilitlenmeni istiyorum.

Lock the office.
Ofisi kilitle.

They forgot to lock the door.
Onlar kapıyı kilitlemeyi unuttular.

Lock windows and close blinds.
Pencereleri kilitle ve panjurları kapat.

Tom forgot to lock the front door.
Tom ön kapıyı kilitlemeyi unuttu.

Tom forgot to lock his car.
Tom arabasını kilitlemeyi unuttu.

Tom almost forgot to lock the door.
Tom kapıyı kilitlemeyi neredeyse unutuyordu.

Tom forgot to lock the door.
Tom kapıyı kilitlemeyi unuttu.

Tom picked the lock.
Tom kilidi sivri bir şeyle açtı.

Tom was afraid that they'd lock him up and throw away the key.
Tom onların onu kilitlemelerinden ve anahtarı atmalarından korkuyordu.

Tom was trying to pick the lock.
Tom sivri bir şeyle kilidi açmaya çalışıyordu.

I've noticed that Tom doesn't usually lock his door.
Tom'un genellikle kapısını kilitlemediğini fark ettim.

Be sure to lock the door before you go to bed.
Yatağa gitmeden önce kapıyı kilitlediğinden emin ol.

Be sure to lock the door before you go to bed.
Yatmadan önce kapıyı kilitlediğinden emin ol.

"Hey, when do the dorms lock up?" "9 o'clock" "Whoops, if we don't run we won't make it!"

"The key," he added, "is in the lock".

A normal person might spend a lifetime at it and still not succeed but faced with a determined Ren it was not greatly different from a normal cylinder lock.

Always lock the door.

Can we lock this door?

Did you lock up the house before we left?

Did you remember to lock the door?

Don't forget to lock the door when you leave.

Don't forget to lock the door!

Don't forget to lock up when you leave.

Don't leave the key in the lock.

Don't worry about the store. I'll lock up.

Every lock of Mary's hair was in place.

First hold crime-prevention firmly in mind! Before going out, lock the doors!

Get in the car and lock the doors.

Give me the key to this lock!

Go home and lock the door from the inside.

Having practically unenforced laws on the books allows the police to lock up many people at will, since most people will always be violating some law or another.

He inserted the key in the lock.

He knows how to lock this door.

He turned the dial on the bicycle lock.

How come I didn't lock the door?

How does the front door-lock work?

I always lock my room.

I broke the lock opening the door.

I can't get this lock opened.

I can't pick this lock.

I cannot lock the door. I have lost the key.

I changed the lock on my door.

I didn't know that it was possible to lock the door of the meeting room.

I forgot to lock the front door.

I have to lock this door.

I keep the master copy under lock and key.

I lock the valuables in the safe.

I told Tom I'd close the windows and lock up.

I wanted to lock the door, but I'd lost the key.

I was in such a hurry that I forgot to lock the door.

I'd advise you to lock your doors.

I'd lock my doors if I were you.

I'll leave you to lock up.

I'm a lock without a key.

I'm going to lock the door.

In opening the door, I broke the lock.