Aranacak Kelime ›

Türkçe kelime anlamı Diz olan Knee kelimesinin kullanıldığı toplam 80 adet cümle bulundu. Knee ile ilgili cümleleri ve bu örnek cümlelerin türkçe anlamlarını altında bulabilirsiniz.

Knee kelimesiyle ilgili örnek Cümleler

The boy fell and scraped his knee.
Çocuk düştü ve dizi sıyrıldı.

His car was stuck in knee-deep snow.
Arabası diz boyu kara gömüldü.

The marsh is knee-deep.
Bataklık diz boyudur.

I rocked the baby on my knee.
Bebeği dizimde salladım.

My knee is bleeding.
Benim dizim kanıyor.

The knee is the body's largest joint.
Diz vücudun en büyük eklemidir.

My knee hurts.
Dizim acıyor.

I played with the baby on my knee.
Dizimdeki bebekle oynadım.

Won't you sit on my knee?
Dizime oturmayacak mısın?

After his knee repair, he could walk without pain.
Dizinin onarımından sonra, o ağrı olmadan yürüyebiliyordu.

Her dress is above the knee.
Elbisesi dizinin üstündeydi.

Since his hands were full, Tom pushed open the door with his knee.
Elleri dolu olduğu için, Tom kapıyı diziyle iterek açtı.

I like to wear my skirts knee length.
Eteklerimi diz boyu giymeyi severim.

The snow was knee deep.
Kar diz boyuydu.

Mary treated her wounded knee.
Mary yaralı dizini tedavi etti.

The bullet entered above the knee.
Mermi dizin üzerine girdi.

He was knee-deep in snow.
O diz boyu karın içindeydi.

She fell down and hurt her knee.
O, düştü ve dizini incitti.

He hurt his knee when he fell.
O, düştüğünde dizini incitti.

He was knee deep in mud.
O, dizine kadar çamurun içindeydi.

He shot him in the knee.
O, onu dizinden vurdu.

Tom fell and hurt his knee.
Tom düştü ve dizini incitti.

Tom hurt his knee when he fell down.
Tom düştüğünde dizini yaraladı.

Tom got down on one knee and told Mary that he loved her and wanted to share his life with her.
Tom dizüstü çöktü ve Mary'ye onu sevdiğini ve hayatını onunla paylaşmak istediğini söyledi.

Tom slapped his knee and laughed.
Tom dizine şaplak attı ve güldü.

Tom injured his knee and can't go swimming today.
Tom dizini yaraladı bugün yüzmeye gidemiyor.

Tom hurt his knee.
Tom dizini yaraladı.

Tom shot Mary in the knee.
Tom Mary'yi dizinden vurdu.

Tom shot Mary in the knee before he blew her brains out.
Tom onun beynini dağıtmadan önce Mary'ye dizinden ateş etmişti

Tom hurt his left knee during practice, so John had to play the game in his place.
Tom uygulama sırasında sol dizini incitti, bu yüzden John oyunu yerinde oynamak zorunda kaldı.

Better to quarrel with your knee than to quarrel with others.

He banged his knee.

He decided to play it safe and pull out of the tournament due to his injured knee.

He dropped to one knee and lowered his head.

He ducked down on one knee.

He knocked his knee against the chair.

He needs a new knee.

He put his hand on my knee under the table.

He saw a small Band-Aid on her left knee.

He saw a small plaster on her left knee.

He scraped his knee in a fall.

He shot himself in the knee.

He sprained his knee during a volleyball match.

His knee gave.

His knee turned a ghastly blackish purple from the swelling.

I bumped my knee.

I dandled the baby on my knee.

I fell down really hard and got a black bruise on my knee.

I hit my knee against the door.

I hurt my knee.

I scraped my knee.

I took an arrow in the knee.

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

I'm afraid I have water in my knee joint.

I'm pouring some anti-inflammatory cream on my right knee.

José fell, but he only scraped his knee.

Mary was wearing a knee-length blue dress.

Mary wore knee-high boots.

Mary wore knee-high socks.

Mother applied the medicine to the sore on my knee.

My brother may have to be operated on for the knee injury.

My knee hurts a lot.

Take care not to fall down and skin your knee.

That woman who has a child on her knee has a photographic memory.

The breakage goes from the ankle to the knee. It's like the bone just disintegrated.

The knee wound is now festering.

The mother is dancing her baby on her knee.

The snow has accumulated knee-deep in Boston.

Today I learned a lot of Spanish words and now I know how to say "cheek," "chin," and "knee."

Tom banged his knee.

Tom fell and scraped his knee.

Tom fell down and skinned his knee on a rock.

Tom fell over his dog when he was jogging and skinned his knee and the palm of his right hand.

Tom got down on one knee and proposed to Mary.

Tom has a sore knee.

Tom hurt his knee when he fell.

Tom skinned his knee.

Tom slipped on the wet floor and dislocated his knee.

Tom went down on one knee and asked Mary to marry him.

Tom's left knee is a bit dodgy as a result of a football injury when he was young.

Under the thigh is the knee; under this one is the calf; under the latter is the foot.

When I fell I tore a hole in the knee of my pants.

If these muscles are weak, they cannot hold the kneecap in the correct position

She kneed me again, not even caring that she was hurt.

Diz çök!

I encourage you to come and kneel with me at the foot of Calvary's Cross and be washed in the blood of Our Savior Jesus Christ.

This is not about my capabilities. Even if I never had heard the slightest sound of english, I still could kneel down and put my face on the ground to show my submission. But who can force me into that?

You must kneel at my feet, kiss my hand and swear that I am an angel.

Tom kneeled.
Tom diz çöktü.

Suddenly, he took out a ring, kneeled on the ground, and asked me to marry him.

Worried, the shopkeeper ran over and kneeled beside Dima, who was breathing heavily - his forehead covered in sweat.

The religious man remained kneeling for hours.
Din adamı saatlerce diz çökmüş olarak kaldı.

Mary is kneeling.
Mary diz çöküyor.

She saw a boy kneeling by the altar.
Sunağa yakın diz çöken bir çocuk gördüm.

Mary was kneeling.

She was so beautiful that the merchant's son could not help kneeling down to kiss her hand.

The kid stumbled and fell to his knees.
Çocuk tökezledi ve dizlerinin üstüne düştü.

The baby crawled on hands and knees.
Bebek ellerinin ve dizlerinin üstünde süründü.

Skirts this year reach a few centimeters above the knees.
Bu yıl etekler dizin birkaç santimetre üzerine çıkıyor.

Have your knees been giving you any problems?
Dizin sana hiç sorun çıkartıyor mu?